Sun Mar Self Contained Composting Toilets & Supplies
in Harrisburg,
- Also serving East Shore (Harrisburg, Linglestown, Oberlin, Steelton, Middletown, Hummelstown, Hershey, Palmyra, etc.) and West Shore (Lemoyne, New Cumberland, Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg, Lewisberry, Etters, Dillsburg, Carlisle, Enola, Marysville, Duncannon, etc.)
Base Price:
Total Price:
**Sales tax not included. Ask about all program details and terms.
Sun Mar Composting Toilets are self contained and require no running water. They are the perfect solution for camping and hunting sites! We also carry supplies.
Available at our Harrisburg location on 3850 Paxton Street. Call Brian at 717-561-9973 or email for more details.
Index #: SunMar